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Ola Electric S1X

Ola Electric
151 km
Charge Time
444 minut
6 kW (8 koní)
22 339,44 Kč💱
vyrobeno v 🇮🇳 India
⭐ 🇨🇿 641 -37
Ola Electric
Battery Life
4000 cycles
6 kW (8 koní)
151 km
25 km/h a 45 km/h
Charge Time
444 minut
Maximální rychlost
90 km/h

The Ola Electric S1X is a state of the art and high performance Electric Scooter by electric scooter manufacturer Ola Electric from India. The brand Ola is well-known in India and provides several mobility solutions including a Taxi service, a vehicle rental service and a mobile payment provider. The motorcycle manufacturing factory of the company is among the biggest in India with a production capacity of 10 million scooters per year.

The S1X series was launched in 2023 and is designed as an affordable electric scooter. The scooter is available in 2 models. The base model S1X is available with two batteries: 2 kWh and 3 kWh for a price of 22 339,44 Kč💱 and 25 131,90 Kč💱 respectively.

The scooter has a powerful 6 000 wattů electric motor for a top speed of 90 km/h. The motor provides an acceleration performance of Z 0 na 40 km/h za 3,3 sekund.

The scooter has a state of the art Lithium battery for a driving range of 151 km.

The scooter has a new GEN2 platform with a redesigned electronic and electrical system, a redesigned powertrain, a redesigned frame and a redesigned battery pack.

The scooter is equipped with state of the art features including reverse park assist, hill hold system and cruise control.

The scooter can be customized via an online customizer.

The scooter can be ordered in many colors and is shipped world wide.

active matrix light


Ola Electric Mobility Private Limited 100 Feet Road Koramangala 3rd Floor 4th Block, 17th MainKA 560034Bangalore🇮🇳 India

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