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E-Core Honda DAX Elektrický

50 km
Charge Time
? minut
3 kW (4 koní)
125 430,40 Kč💱
Ručně vyrobené
vyrobeno v 🇧🇪 Belgie
⭐ 🇨🇿 756 -26
Battery Life
4000 cycles
3 kW (4 koní)
50 km
25 km/h a 45 km/h
Charge Time
? minut

The E-Core Honda DAX is an electric reincarnation of the popular Honda ST-series minibike.

The DAX was first introduced in 🇯🇵 Japan in the 1960s and quickly became popular due to its unique pressed-steel "T-bone" frame design and versatility. The moped was later introduced in Europe and the USA, where it gained a following among motorcycle enthusiasts and collectors. The Dax has been featured in movies, TV shows, and music videos, further adding to its cult status. In the USA the moped was named Trail.

Honda DAX History

The E-Core Honda DAX is an electric reincarnation of the Honda DAX made by electrification workshop "ON" from 🇧🇪 Belgium. E-CORE is the name of an electric motor made by the company that can be fitted into most popular combustion scooters and mopeds. The motor is available in variants ranging from 50cc to 125cc.

Ben Surain 100Designer and engineer Ben Surain is an avid admirer of Soichiro Honda and longed to create a sustainable substitute engine for Honda Dax, Cub, and Monkey models. With E-Core (motor conversion kit), Honda bikes can be given a new lease on life. The retro style from the sixties & seventies will remain unaltered, as well as the strength and quality of the metal—only the combustion engine needs to be replaced with this plug-and-play device.


The E-Core motor has a power of 3 000 wattů (8 000 wattů peak power) and provides 215 Nm torque for exceptionally fast acceleration.

The E-Core DAX is street legal in Europe and the speed can be restricted to 45 km/h for use as moped.

The moped is hand built on demand and is delivered road legal and ready to drive. Alternatively, for a lower price, the company provides a complete conversion kit that can be used to manually convert an existing Honda DAX. The conversion kit is also available for many other Honda models and the owner of the company is a dedicated Honda fan.

The moped can be fully customized on demand.

The moped or conversion kit can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

🇪🇺 Evropský Manufacturer

#pushthebuttontoday Veldloopstraat 82531Vremde🇧🇪 Belgie

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